Fields of Study
- Sociocultural Anthropology
- North America
- South and Central America
- South Asia
Areas of Interest
Research Keywords: Political and legal anthropology, police, military, security, violence, gender, South Asia
Research Region: India, Brazil, US, Canada
Professor Jauregui specializes in the anthropology of policing and the military. Her book Provisional Authority: Police, Order, and Security in India (University of Chicago Press 2016) is an ethnography of everyday police practices in northern India. She has also co-edited the Handbook of Global Policing (Sage 2016) and Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency (University of Chicago 2010). She teaches courses on Policing; Human Rights and Security; Gender, Sex, and Crime; and Qualitative Research Methods. She is interested in cultural and historical transformations of security actors and institutions, and is currently PI on a SSHRC Insight Grant funded research project on global police unionism and comparative police worker politics in India, Brazil, Canada, and the US.
- SSHRC Insight Grant